Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fremont fall election

Fremont's elections are shaping up as a free-for-all, with establishment candidates competing against each other and against opponents from ends of the political spectrum that often aren't represented.

In Fremont, the mayor's race is a veritable battle of the titans with Mayor Bob Wasserman squaring off against former Mayor Gus Morrison and Councilmember Steve Cho.

Expected to be at the center of the debate is the Oakland A's ballpark village proposal, which Cho and Wasserman support and Morrison opposes. The A's are acting like a campaign already is under way. The club has sent residents two glossy mailers this year touting the team's potential contribution to Fremont.

As for the council, incumbent Bob Wieckowski has said he wants to seek another term, and he will face at least two challengers for either his seat or Cho's seat.

In Fremont, however, Cho is being termed out of his council seat this year. Planning Commissioner Suzanne Chan would be considered a favorite for the seat, but she said "I am doing my homework and assessing the pros and cons of running for public office. This is not an easy decision, but I am getting closer to a decision."

Another planning commissioner, Dirk Lorenz, already has declared his candidacy. Lorenz, a pro-business Republican who owns Fremont Flowers.

Also in the race is Sierra Club member Vinnie Bacon. Bacon, a former transportation planner who now works in technology, has criticized city development policies and promised not to take contributions from developers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sue chan is in the race! Check out the innovative endorsement section on her site

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