Friday, December 28, 2007

King & Lyons Moving Forward

Where it is: Northwest corner of Dixon Landing Road and
Interstate 880 in Fremont, near the Newby Island Compost

What it was: Vacant land.

What's going on: Barbara Meerjans, a Fremont senior
planner, said landowner King & Lyons' original plan to
build a business park across about 45 acres has changed.
In September, the developers filed a proposal for a
490,000-square-foot retail project. "We are in the early
stages of beginning the environmental impact report for
this proposed development," she said.

The plan calls for extending Fremont Boulevard from where
it ends south of Lakeview Boulevard to Dixon Landing Road.
Meerjans said the developers already have approvals to grade
and develop the site, of which 100 acres was donated to
the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
to be restored as wetlands.

When it is: The project will go to the Planning Commission
for consideration,likely in 2008.

Similar to:
Pacific Commons.

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