Slide 1
Who's Shopping in Fremont Today?
City of Fremont Retail Development Opportunities
February 7, 2008
Slide 2
Think Fremont
* Demographics
Think Market
* Psychographics
* Where Fremont Shops Today
Think Projects
* Future Retail Projects
* Retails development Opportunities
Slide 3: Fremont Retail Trade Area
Primary Trade Area
Population: 211,000
Newark/Union City/Milpitas
Secondary Trade Areas
Population: 183,000
Total Population: 394,000
Slide 4: Think People
Slide 5: Fremont Demographics
Population: 211,000
Slide 6
Median Age: 36.2 years
Ages 25-54: 101,000
Slide 7: Households
Number of Households 68,000
Average Household Size 3.1
Average Household Income $122,000
Average Home Sale Price in 2007 $819,600
Slide 8: Ethnicity
White 32%
Asian 48%
Hispanic 14%
Black/ African American 4%
Other 2%
Slide 9: Education
Graduate or Professional Degree 21%
Associate Degree 7%
Some College 17%
Bachelor Degree 27%
High School Diploma or Less 28%
Slide 10: Employment
* Leading Industries of Employment
- High Tech
- Biotech
- Professional Services
- Manufacturing
* Type of Employer
- 82% Private Sector
- 11% Public Sector
- 7% Self-employed
Slide 11: Daytime Population
Slide 12: $pening Power
U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics X House
Consumer Expenditure Surveys
= Estimated Annual Retail Spend Potential $2.7 billion
Slide 13: Think Market
Slide 14: Fremont Psychographics 101
* What are they?
* How are they gathered?
* What do they mean?
Slide 15: Fremont Psychographics
Other Categories 25%
Young Digerati 28%
Money & Brains 22%
Bohemian Mix 10%
Movers & Shakers 8%
Blue Blood Estates 7%
Slide 16: Young Digerati
18,448 Households
28% Population
* Tech-savvy singles and couples
* Affluent, highly educated, and ethnically mixed
* "Urban Uptown" social group
* "Young Achievers" lifestyle group
Slide 17: Money & Brains
14,871 Households
22% Population
* High incomes and advanced degrees
* Sophisticated tastes to match their credentials
* Married couples with few children
* Live in fashionable homes
* " Urban Uptown" social group
* " Affluent Empty Nests" lifestage group
Slide 18: Bohemian Mix
6,581 House Holds
10 % Population
* Young, mobile urbanite
* Represent the nation's most liberal lifestyles
* Progressive mix of young singles and couples, students, and, professionals
* "Urban Uptown" social group
* Young Achievers" lifestyle group
Slide 19: Movers & Shakers
5,310 Households
8% Population
* Wealthy suburban world of dual income couples
* Typically between the ages of 35-54 without children
* Rank # 1 for owning a small business and having a home office
* "Elite Suburbs" social group
* "Midlife Success" lifestyle group
Slide 20: Blue Blood Estates
4,513 Households
7% Population
* Family portrait of suburban wealth: a place of million dollar homes, high-end cars, and exclusively private clubs
* Nation's second wealthiest lifestyle
* Characterized by married couples with children and college degrees
* "Elite Suburbs" social group
* "Accumulated Wealth" lifestyle group
Slide 21: Shopping Profile
How do we shop based on Psychographics?